a blog of insanity and self promotion!


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

anti drug philippines and its meth crisis

i think they should legalize cannabis to combat methamphetamine hydrochloride use in the masses. do it up like thailand where local growers passing standardization tests can sell their plants to the government facilitate laboratory experimentation with all aspects of cannabis in context to modern times and actual useage rate due to large hemp production in the country https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2001/07/04/letter-of-instruction-no-1-s-2001/ to note this order is from 2001 and the next year i moved to canada and in 2003 its reported that meth arrived in vancouver now we have a opioid crisis because street dealers often sell meth and fentanyl same time as well as meth being dilutant and fentanyls high concentration makes the smallest contamination of fentanyl in meth turn meth into low dose fentanyl also we have huge amount of new cannabinoids diluted in meth and these are legal as not classified as illegal substances great time to experiment making research chemicals for smaller cannabis niche careers but also tricky as these research chemicals can me sold as crystal meth and the buyers are none the wiser and may be smoking cocaine or worse yet bath salts pcp china white and other extremely strong phychadelic hallucinogens imagine an entire population of meth addicts all got dosed on pcp same weekend? string of bizarre robberies. were all dead. any point is i should go to bed now got some maps to consider. ps very scary drugs out there this ban is essential in a place like the philippines where huge portions of the population could be dosed and experimented on unbeknownst to the victims or the general population due to lack of identification of altered mind states from lack of experience. for example when i was kept homeless i was sure i was dosed with a plethora of substances one of them i think made me slow moving for a week straight like i wouldnt move for all day and i also noticed a lot of people were stuck or slow moving. i used to shout at them yo slow mover, get the fuck out of here, cos idontknow why but they scared me. another was fentanyl for sure and there was a few times on pcp for sure and i think one time on lsd. lucky me i got some experience but holy shit man unknown and unaware its not cool. problem is lack of education, access, too many people, they arent ready for harm reduction, what they need is cannabis legalization. also i heard afghanistan is making ephedrine as their main farmed cash crop now that opium is out of fashion due to fentanyls extreme concentrations killing everyone and out selling the natural sap anti-drug-philippines

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