a blog of insanity and self promotion!


Thursday, May 21, 2020

perfume ingredients for detergent soap

check this out
ever heard of client from hell a design team in toronto ? i bike by their office sometimes
 anyway i was just going on an algorhythm tip no doubt and found this
so im looking up aromatic chemicals and one of the ones presented to me, not something i searched literally was geranyl nitrile and i found on the good scents company the ifra is prohibiting this ingredient for perfume use but its being sold as a perfume ingredient. its been used on rats and rabbits when they force the animals large doses of this material until they die. so they know how toxic this ingredient is. yikes. this is the prohibiting body. so it looks like this patent for a plastic end piece for a tube packaged laundry detergent went through some revisions. perfume revisions. im not sure but have a look, its lol. client from hell you say? how bout perfume reformulations for plastic packaging specifications? axe body spray allergies causing anaphylactic shock and cant reveal formula you say?
 just for example. the material geranyl nitrile is a potential aquatic life disruptor according to the prohibiting body that tests on rats and rabbits (did they do a long term aquatic study ? i thought it sounds like its from geranium)  and according to this google patent is been used in laundry detergent since 1987...i think ... mass produced cos who has the money to patent the development of the plastic end tube packaging? wonder what laundry detergent this is? i will research the material now cos its kind of weird. im not sure what to use. obviously i wont use the rat and rabbit tested stuff if i find out. gee. let me check now. cant they test somehow in another way? i guess not. they do weird tests on humans enough as it is... oh so much to do!
the amount of scent you need to make something smell good when you whiff it from the bottle is how consumers buy things and that amount is HUGE and actually if you dilute it.... like hey ever buy a huge bottle of dish soap that your crazy bf uses up in two days ? but actually what you learned to do is dilute like a teaspoon in 2 cups of distilled water and use it for a week? i mean, wow lets just perfume the world via our kitchen and laundry sinks, only thing perfume making doesnt work that well this way. ive made so many weird combinations to know.

wow ok so this patent i found off the good scents database,
is from 1928 the original laundry detergent and fabric softner, a fresh lemony aroma, apparently, or perfume. about .20% of the patent ingredient is used and the formula uses .10 in 1300 or something, geranyl nitrile has been used as a perfume ingredient for various household and personal products since 1928 and all the info theye could find was torturing rabbits and rats? consumer privacy and research and unknown cumulative toxicitiy there must be an easier way. i mistyped mist and imagine if the corona virus was actually some kind of mist or particle from some form of banned ingredient found out by the perfume industry. like some of these ingredients arent actually perfume ingredients, they just have a nice smell so the perfume industry has access to them. yikes. to know is half the battle but what if its just too long and what is a timeline anymore? maddening.

ok wtf
i just found this ban on the substance as a perfume ingredient for detergent
 from 2009

is this a nitrile form from geranium>????? i dont understand how this ingredient was made. why do they use geranyl as a name ? there are many geranyl ingredients that are natural isolates that are not toxic?
like as in cyanide? like nitriles are like glues, so if its a bastard of geranium that sticks around too long, it was part of a lemony aroma that lasted in laundry soap so its not necessarily lemony and if its for a freshness it sounds like geranium doesnt it. please dont make me be the one to look this shit up i just wanted to make perfume and actually yes i realize i cant sell any of the perfumes now without looking up the ingredients to some degree, specially not blends from other companies who cannot disclose their perfume ingredients? like really my day is spent stressing on where to throw the trash vs recylcing and knowing and not doing due to other things like doing this? wth?
or wth am i actually reading ugh
ok so its banned since 2009 for found toxicity to aquatic life found out from testing on animals
its been used as a laundry detergent perfume ingredient since 1980
its still being sold today
good thing i didnt buy it!! or did i??
is this ingredient used in any of the essential oil perfume blends i buy as perfume ingredients? if its a compound from a natural ingredient forced into a specific shape for its prolonged odor for rinse off products is this in the woolzies stuff that use for dryer balls ? is it considered a distillate? ugh im the rat now. honestly i feel tortured... avatars from basenotes haunt me like ebeneezer scroodge and the fairys and godmothers of tales you wished were true before you read other things not meant for children.... hand me that baby product............200 years later mutant humans with scratch and sniff areas of the body that detect diseases in their dna matches world wide but are only found under specific constraints and the battle for privacy reigns supreme!! natural deaths for the anarchists!! vegan terrorists corona virus rabbit testing isis flag plant double take in a british gay rally using shame to shun a female reporter https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3142221/CNN-confuses-black-white-flag-covered-sex-toy-symbols-ISIS-London-gay-pride-parade.html what the actual fuuuck ?????? anyway just something to think about. i have to dig for that not actually an isis gay flag link now and link the shame post https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_You%27ve_Been_Publicly_Shamed but holy hell man....

i mean wow this is just a few hours of chillin on my own using the internet and my mind, i wish i was housed like i have to go through the ads and bike around and im just so tired of traps and such. its hard gains when youre noticing specific perfume ingredients. i mean my mind is so blown and my shade spot is sunny so i have to go, before i you know, get cancer and mutate!!!!!ok i checked. its not getting cancer and mutating. its not carcinogenic to humans, its toxic to fresh water fish, like this delicious lookin bugger, lauscisus isus...say that again?

so its a no for laundry. lethal concentration for 50% of the animals, in this case this cute fresh water fish native to europe and asia waterways according to wikipedia, is LC50 - Leuciscus idus (Golden orfe) - > 22 - 44 mg/l - 96 h (msds found here http://finoric.com/Aromatics/Geranylnitrile.htm) so that means the fish die? in 1-96 hours of 22-44 mg in what? in the lake? you use .01% in the total fragrance concentration or less than that for the total but if its millions of people  (or even say 50,000 people using this laundry detergent for 40 years in one area) using it and all the washing machine run off goes through one area which seeps into the fresh water way a few kilometers over by underground passages and then these fish all die. wtf? cos this damn geranyl nitrile? damn! how did the fish die .... is the new why did the chicken cross the road?

omg i just should stop checking the new links as i go along

now i find ok supply chains. so this one supplier i find in the u.s. gets chems from india and china and this one indian patent is getting geranyl nitrile from essential oil https://www.allindianpatents.com/patents/195658-a-process-for-the-prepration-of-geranyl-nitrile-from-lemon-grass-oil  let me just keep reading this and ... does anyone want to get me lunch? i missed lunch again. ugh.
ok so it says here
"However isolation of citral from natural source such as essential oil of lemon grass may either be achieved by fractional distillation of the oil or by derivatisation such as bisulfite formation which is followed by liberation of citral by treatment with alkali solution. Lemon grass oil (Cymbopogon pendulus fam. Grahminae) contain almost 65-70% of citral which is a mixture of two stereoisomers, viz. citral a (65%) and citral b (35%) (Sharma, J.R., Lai, R.K. Mishra, H.O. and Naqvi, A., current science 197, 56, 30; and Patra, P and Dutta, P.K. Res. & Ind. 1986, 31, 358). "

so basically you can get geranyl nitrile from a natural source and it could be called a distillate of an essential oil of lemongrass, but this isolate is a known irritant to freshwater fish and soil pollutant which would seep into fish. its got a lemony fresh odor, its similar to lemonile in name/term (which i have but havent used cos its so strong and theres a note of metal in it that i find offensive to my nose even at the smallest concentration- i was nudged by pk paulkiler in basenotes to check it out at a low concentration, even in traces, so i havent tried it in formula in trace yet, but im smelling the dilution that i would use to be able to use it in trace and i already find it offensive like you somehow smell metal on your skin and you think of tetanus)

ok so now what? one ingredient ill remember not to try to use based on the ifra ban which ill trust because i havent found the fish study. and i need to go outside and ship some items. and eat something. maybe ill have some fish. i dont know anymore.....

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