lanao del norte dundas street west balete drive white plains extension? look no more! i also found alma. yes there is also fairview here in norte. im not really sure how this works i think it was cos it got bombed in the war and everyone got tortured so after the war they hid everything and everything was in secret code. CODED LANGUAGE AND LOCAL MAPS give different scales and you canplay with words too. nightmare over! all those people, most of them have already died unfortunately bringing their secrets to the grave! luckily for you dear reader i have meticulously searched all references in my mind and with its eye i have spied the thousands of years translation. the official filipino translation for canadian mind frames! so how goes the new kenora. heard about elora, ontario? what about aloran, misamis occidental? not sure how it works but did you know there are man made islands that move like boats. another thing is fact hunting is time spent on believeing you find a way to convince yourself that you are as you are and not some cloned vampire trying to be human. so here is my evidence. aloran in the philippines is right beside lanao del norte. i thought this was lanao del norte cos i saw the similarities on the map. then i see elora and actually maybe ill make a video on how i found this weird idea just laying around. on to the pics!damn i cant find the original site
here is a comprehensive website detailing the various rivers and the basin of the area
here is elora ontario there is a nichols st because people want to say im a man idk
just saying lets not leave everyone in ancient colonial times waiting for the gobyernador general to get replaced due to corruption cos its so far away from the main city where the laws are delegating where gets a public school and washroom and when. some people live there for thousands of years they still dont have a public school there are provinces that were incorporated in the 1500's i mean the philippines might get reorganized into canada because i dont think canada will embrace the philippines, i think the philippines most of the islanders and coastal people get lazy because they lack nutrients and have little to stimulate their greater mental processes with. there are no books, paper, colouring materials, posters, magazines,sally ann, value village, canadian tire, real canadian superstore, bulk barn, value meats, public library, soccer feild, health programs, hospitals, washrooms, internet, computers, landline phones, not much of any of this at all. so i think its best to watch the reorganization of the un and the postal codes with hope for a more integrated integration of the poor due to lack of attention because of the lack luster offerings of the weakened people. see thats a no from me i might daytrip to elora though i love that heart shaped quarry!
Townships of Nichol, Pilkington
because when you look into the history of lanao del norte and lanao sur
not only does it get lost, its moved, and also there is another one.
these things they do to maps and places are because of paranoia and to obfuscate history to reduce stigmatization of native peoples because some native peoples are not really wearing tribal nose tattoos anymore. and the loin cloth is just a pair of underwear.
have you read the lost villages website
its super rad
i thought misamis occidental was here and i did find it.
AND I QUOTE "8° 39' 3.31" to 8° 11' 1.14" north latitudes and 123° 19' 55.2" to 123° 51' 57.6"east longitudes
because oroquieta vs iroquois
edit: hey Micheal allan cowie wtf is this story parallel im reading here about you telling me some girl named nicole ran you out of town (n.b.??) and here in t dot im going through some cowrie shell hell
"The rival centres of Fergus and Guelph immediately began a campaign of derision and ridicule of Elora, which Allan was promoting as “the model town in the model township.” " if this is some kind of vexatious lien against filipinos in canada along the fault line im going to steal your fake cocaine again and you wont be able to do a damn thing about it.
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