a blog of insanity and self promotion!


Friday, March 18, 2022

gnarly marlee

The girl Darryl introduced me to the looks like me and she stole my Visa card hat day with Darryl. Puke fest. They look like incest pornos. I think she is using my room when I'm not here. As a prostitute. I think she likely sucks patrice off in my room for drugs or something. That or her and Darryl did another incest porno in my room when I wasn't here. I literally white washed the floor again two days ago and have only been looking at the floor in a soothed calm except for when I got back today from a walk and the floor is all smudged and filthy again and it wasn't me. It just disgusts me thinking like this, and knowing why I think like this is because the only people I met in the past 4 or 5 years have been nothing but scoundrels, THEIVES, low lives, the works. Just total societal rejects. I haven't met a single actual human person in so many years I don't know if they still exist and if they do what do they do and talk about these days. The people I met and who know me from theft of my data and information, they are like super scary vampiric obsessive life destroyers. Once they have a target they don't stop terrorizing harassing robbing violating manipulating victimizing gas lighting gang stalking ganging up on and hating their victim until probably the victim dies of their hands or suicide. I have been followed maliciously for so many years now I don't know anything else. There's a group of men trying to turn me into a prostitute, there's another group of men who were trying that before then the turn a whore into a housewife then now it's something about stealing your wife as my girlfriend or some game a bunch of abusive ex's are playing with each other. I also feel like there's a group of Filipinos investigating all this and then the democratic parties from different countries, and then the gangs, all of these people want to see me die or something like no one is interested in me as a person or the things I'm interested in. According to how it feels like, for the criminal element grooming me I'm only here to provide my cleaned and organized room for lower end prostitutes who have been robbing my identity and life contents, so that my stolen identity gang can continue to rob me of the life and family I lived and remember. I'm ready to give up writing and just turn into the fucking junkie prostitute everyone alludes I'm supposedly being??? I don't even know how to conform to these irrational delusional ideas a reluctant gay  male gaze expects of me. I only recently remembered I'm considered androgynous which is the same as transgender. Like oh whoops I totally forgot that part. Let's also forget that I was looking at the floor I just painted so I know the difference from freshly painted to smudged filthy and disrespected and raped because NICOLE IS SO SMALL AND EASY TO HURT APPARENTLY

gnarly marlee

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